Alex Gendernalik
Graduate Research Assistant
Alex received a BS Biological Sciences from Colorado State University and joined the Bark lab as a PhD student in January 2017. Alex’s current work focuses on how the mechanical properties of the embryonic heart tissue responds to and influences cardiac development.
Alice Liu
Graduate Research Assistant
Alice Liu received a BS from the University of Washington and joined the Bark lab as a PhD student in August 2020. She was born and raised in Colorado and did her undergraduate degree in Seattle. Her passion for research can be traced back to her work in von Willebrand's Factor, studying its transcriptional and epigenetic modifiers. Her current research interest lies in the development of the heart, utilizing her experience with culturing endothelial cells. Outside of school, she loves anything and everything outdoors. In her free time, she enjoys playing soccer and racing triathlons.
Alice is also passionate about making Weibel-Palade bodies.